The SUM4Re project deliverables

The SUM4Re project will produce 61 deliverables within the 42 months of the project, in which 44 of them are public and will be uploaded on this page when finalized.

Make sure to follow our news page and social media to keep up to date with our research progress.

D1.1 Guidelines for materials

D1.2 Report on regulatory framework

D1.3 Workshop Agreement on standardisation and interoperability

D1.4 Materials reuse strategy

D1.5 Schematic architecture of data workflows

D1.6 Integration scheme

D2.1 iMMS and RGB data acquisition AR system

D2.2 AHS methodological framework acquisition

D2.3 XRF methodological framework acquisition

D2.4 MFT methodological framework acquisition

D2.5 Framework GPR-ECT methodological acquisition

D2.6 FOS methodological framework acquisition

D4.1 Urban mining concept

D5.1 Developed DMP format

D6.1 C-BIM design

D6.2 Economic analysis

D6.3 Social-Environmental analysis

D7.1 Interface connections CIRDAXCONCULAR- C-BIM-GENIA

D8.1 Report of scientific challenges

D8.2 Market analysis report

D8.3 Report with policy recommendations

D9.1 Training report

D9.2 Report of Technical and Digitalizing workshops

D9.3 Guideline for knowledge replication

D10.1 Strategic planning and data collection report part 1

D10.2 Strategic planning and data collection report part 2

D10.3 Strategic planning and data collection report part 3

D11.1 TRACLINE achievements

D11.2 3D BIM/GIS and Digital Twin

D11.3 CDW values

D12.1 New solutions for real world building and civil applications

D12.2 Meeting report

D12.3 Circularity report

D13.1 Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan (DECP)

D13.2 Report 1 on achieved DEC activities and performance

D13.4 Website & social media accounts ( Linkedin & X)

D14.1 Report 2 on achieved DEC activities and performance

D15.1 Report 3 on achieved DEC activities and performance

D15.3 Project video

D16.2 Data Management Plan (version 1)

D16.4 Progress Report 1

D17.1 Progress Report 2

D18.1 Progress Report 3

D18.2 Data Management Plan (final)

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union.

Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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